


  Yunnan   University   of Finance & Economics  

Contract of Employment  

For Foreign Experts and Teachers  

Ⅰ International Business School of Yunnan University of Finance &Economics (IBS) (hereinafter referred to as party A) and (hereinafter referred to as party B) agree to sign this contract and pledge to fulfill conscientiously all the obligations stipulated herein.  

Ⅱ The period of service shall be from the 1 st day of August, 2012 to the 31 st day of July, 2013 .   

Ⅲ party B shall undertake 12 hours of teaching per week.  

Obligation of party A  

A. party A shall take full account of party B’s reasonable demands and meet them positively.  

B. party A shall on its initiative invite party B to participate in relevant teaching activities, and jointly consult on teaching arrangements.  

C. party A shall cooperate positively with party B and provide party B with necessary equipment and conditions to fulfill the teaching tasks.  

Obligation of party B  

A. party B shall not violate any law, decree and relevant regulation of the Chinese government and party A’s working and living regulation (e.g. do not conduct religious activities incompatible with the status of foreign expert, to observe party A’s daily work schedule.) party B should not accommodate people without informing party A.  

B. party B shall cooperate positively with party A and complete his/her tasks agreed on. (See Appendix)  

C. party B shall accept party A’s arrangements in regard to his/her work. Without party A’s consent, party B shall not render service elsewhere or hold concurrently any post unrelated to the work agreed on with party A.  

D. Except for legal holidays, any missed classes should be made up at an appropriate time.  

E. Should party B leave the campus for 3 consecutive days or more, party B shall provide party A an written notification in advance.  

Remuneration and Benefits  

A. party A shall pay party B a monthly salary of 10000 RMB.   

B. party A shall provide party B with free accommodation, which is equipped with furniture, TV, bathroom (Cost of phone call is to be paid by party B). party A will not be responsible for any injuries or accidents incurred by party B living off campus.  


D. party A shall buy the accident insurance for party B during the contract period, as required by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs.  

E. Should party B be injured or died due to illness、accident or natural causes during the contract period, party A shall be immune from any responsibility.  

Termination and Extension of Contract  

A. Should party A want to terminate the contract before it expires, party A shall give a written notice to party B 30 days in advance. In this circumstance, party A shall pay party B’s salary to the termination date stipulated in the notice, the travel allowance and international airfare reimbursement.   

B. Should party B want to terminate the contract before the contractual period, party B shall submit a written notice to party A 30 days in advance and continual working for 30 days till the termination date. In this circumstance, party A shall only pay the salary to the termination date. party B shall loss travel allowance and international airfare reimbursement.  

C. Should either party wish to extend the employment contract, the request shall be forward to the other party three months prior to the expiration date of current contract.  

Cancellation of the contract  

A. If party B either violates the law、decree and regulation enacted by Chinese government or failed to fulfill the contract obligations, and failed to amend these issues after party A has pointed out, party A has the right to cancel the contract immediately and reserve the rights to claim for compensation.   

B. For the sick leave which last for three consecutive days or more, it must be supported by a doctor’s note. Should the sick leave exceed two weeks in one month and party B failed to make up the missing classes, party B shall only receive 50% of his/her normal salary. Should party B fail to resume normal work after thirty days of absence due to illness which has been diagnosed by a doctor of the YUFE Clinic, party A may cancel the contract with a written note in 15 days. In this circumstance, party A shall only pay the salary according to the actual teaching hour.   

IX Arbitrations   

Should any dispute arise, the two parties shall consult with each other to mediate the disputes. If all the attempts are failed, the two parties shall appeal to the organization of arbitration for foreign expert affairs in the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs for final arbitration.  


party A  

Signature: ____________________ Date: _________________________ _  

  International   Business   School     

  Yunnan   University   of Finance &Economics  


party B  

Signature:____________________ Date:____________________________  





云南财经大学(以下简称甲方)与 先生/女士(以下简称乙方)同意签署此合同并遵守本合同所列条款。  


1.合同期自 2012 年 8 月 1 日至 2013 年 7 月 31 日 。  

2.乙方每周工作时间为 12 小时 。  




a. 甲方要认真对待乙方所提出的合理要求,积极予以满足。  

b. 甲方应主动邀请乙方参加与教学相关的活动,共同参与教学安排。  

c. 甲方在教学上要积极协助乙方,为乙方提供必备的教学工具。  



a. 乙方必须遵守中国政府的相应法律、法规及学校相关规章制度(例如按时完成教学计划,遵守甲方日常工作安排。)在告之甲方之前,乙方不得在宿舍留宿校外人员。  

b. 乙方将积极与甲方合作并完成双方达成共识的工作。  

c. 乙方要接受甲方安排的与工作相关的事务。在没有得到甲方同意前,乙方不得私自在其他地方打工或者从事与教学无关的工作。  

d. 除了节假日,任何缺课都要在适当的时候补上。  

e. 如果乙方外出旅游超过3天必须以书面形式向甲方提交申请。  



a. 乙方由甲方提供月薪¥10000元。  

b. 甲方为乙方提供住房一套,包括基本家具,可免费上网。电话费由乙方承担。乙方如果自愿放弃甲方提供的住房,在校外租住,所有安全问题和费用由乙方自行负责。   

c. 甲方的校医院除了牙齿治疗外,均可免费为乙方提供医疗咨询服务,并免费提供所必须的医疗及药品。如果乙方在除校医院外的其他医疗机构治疗所发生的费用均由乙方承担。甲方不承担保险之外发生的任何费用。  

d. 按照外国专家局规定,甲方须在聘期内为乙方购买意外伤害保险。  

e. 对于乙方在合同期内因疾病或意外造成的自然死亡或受伤,甲方不承担任何责任。  




a. 如果甲方在合同期满前提出终止合同,甲方必须至少提前30天以书面的形式通知乙方,并支付乙方的工资直到合同终止之日,此外还须支付旅游津贴和国际旅费。。  

b. 如果乙方在合同期满前提出终止合同,乙方必须至少提前30天以书面的形式通知甲方,并在提出书面通知后继续工作30天。甲方支付乙方工资至合同终止日,但不支付旅游津贴和国际旅费。  

c. 如果甲乙双方中的任一方提出延长合同期限,须在现有合同结束前三个月告知对方。  



a. 如果甲方违反中国法律、法规或未能履行合同义务,并在甲方指出后未能及时改正的,甲方有权终止合同并索赔。  

b. 如果乙方请3天以上病假必须出具医生证明。如果乙方某月病假超过14天且未能补足课时,乙方只能获得当月工资的50%。如果经校医院诊断,乙方病假30天后仍无法恢复教学,甲方可提前15天书面告知乙方解除合同。在这种情况下, 甲方要按乙方实际课时支付工资。  


9. 调解与仲裁  










乙方: 日期: